The Great
Guitar Theory

Most guitar players think the more they learn…
… The more they study about scales, theory, and chords… 

That eventually it’s all going to connect.

They’re wrong.

After 22 years of playing and teaching guitar professionally, recording multiple albums, and owning a private Guitar School… 

I watch guitar players fall into this same trap over and over again. (I did too, years ago). 

Let me explain…

When we first start learning guitar...

We all learn our first chords and a few bits and pieces of songs we recognize. 

For most “casual” guitarists, that’s as far as they get - and that’s fine...

But for the select few who want to get more serious - who want to do things like improvise, jam, write music, and add your own creative touches to songs you love… 

You start to “learn” more.

You might go out there and watch videos, read articles, or get advice from a friend or even local teachers... 

Or you might start to learn about things like the circle of 5ths, the CAGED system, chord chasing, and countless other confusing concepts like keys, scales, modes, etc. 

But for 97% of guitar players…

Little do they know they’re falling into the most damaging guitar-learning trap of all time

It’s not long before you may start to feel like you can’t “apply” what you learn… 

Your playing might sound a little “dull” or “mechanical”... 

And it can feel as if you’re always missing something important. 

You learn more, yet instead of “connecting the dots”, things only seem to get more dis-connected. 

It can feel like the more you learn, the less you “know”… 

Like you’re on a hamster wheel - the harder you chase it, the faster it goes out of reach…

And the more frustrating it gets. 

And if you don’t find your way out quick… the cycle continues… 

Spinning your wheels and wasting practice time just “noodling”... 

Getting so sick of playing the same old stuff… and so fed up with feeling limited… it drives you nuts!

You may even start to question whether you should just put the guitar down for good

And give up on your dreams altogether.

And to rub even more salt in the wound... 

We see all these other guitar players playing across the neck… from pros on stage… to videos of people HALF or even a QUARTER of our age… 

Just tearing it up across the fretboard without batting an eyelash! 

We might start to think things like:

“How the heck do they make it look so easy?! 

Am I really just too “dense” to grasp it? 

Is there something wrong with my fingers?

What am I missing?”

At that point, it can be so demotivating...

So hard to believe we can really do it…

And so hard to want to keep trying.

Yet that thought always nags in the back of your mind...

“Will I ever figure it all out?”

Even Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli once said…

“Most people go to their graves with their music still locked up inside them”

That makes me SICK! And it should make you sick too!

Because it’s so easy to avoid!

For guitar players who have fallen into this trap… 

I just want to grab them by the collar and shake them and say...

“WAKE UP! You’re going down the wrong path! You’re chasing an ILLUSION!”

The biggest mistake guitar players make is that they try to LEARN their way to PLAYING the guitar... 

… Thinking that if they just keep learning…

… If they just keep practicing… 

… Eventually it will all connect.

And it WON’T! 

It CAN’T! 

Because it’s impossible to THINK your way to PLAYING well! 

Legendary Guitarist Joe Pass famously said “You can’t think and play”

Because it doesn’t work that way! The two are opposites!

THINKING… is what causes all the PLAYING problems in the first place! 

And somehow, all along the way, nobody bothers to tell you…

THINKING your way through all that theory, expecting it to magically make you PLAY better, is climbing up the wrong ladder!

And look, it’s not your fault! In this “information overload” age… 

It’s all too easy for the basics to get covered up and forgotten… 

Especially when you have publishers peddling all sorts of books like “1,001 chords to know”… 

And the “Everything you could possibly know in 4 lifetimes about music theory” books...

Or those videos that say stuff like “10 scales you MUST know!” 

“MUST” know? Says who?! Some of the greats made entire CAREERS out of just 1 or 2 scales!

Don’t get me wrong, there’s some good information out there. And sure, you can memorize some stuff...

But you can never “memorize” (AKA “think”) your way to PLAYING well...

Bottom line? The “learning loop” is a never-ending treadmill! 

And the sooner you get off, the better.

After all… just think about it. Publishers need to keep selling books… 

Colleges need to keep selling music degrees… 

And online “guitar gurus” need to keep people “liking”, “subscribing”, and WATCHING their videos! 

Otherwise… they’d all go out of business! 

Here's a surprising fact… 

I’ve taught Music Theory Graduates, a guitarist with over 5 DECADES of experience, and even a performer on BROADWAY

And sure, they “knew” a lot about music when it came to talking about it...

But they couldn’t PLAY their way out of a paper bag! 

I can tell you right now that nobody, and I mean NOBODY who’s a good guitar player, sat around studying theoretical concepts all day… 

... And THOUGHT their way into being a good player.

Have you ever heard about Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimmy Page, Slash, B.B. King, David Gilmour… 

… or ANY of the greats, just sitting in their room and analyzing weird symbols and numbers all day? Heck no! 

In fact, there are countless articles about famous musicians who DIDN’T study music theory at all!! 

Ever heard of Prince? Ever heard of Eric Clapton? Ever heard of the BEATLES for crying out loud?

Anyone can look this information up.

The truth is…

These musicians learned a few simple fundamentals… and PLAYED PLAYED PLAYED the crap out of their guitars!

Look, guitar is a physical activity, just like a sport.

It’s easy to see how basketball players train on the court, or how football players train on the field…

But when it comes to guitar, for some reason everybody and their brother has been fooled into thinking you have to be a genius to “get it.” HA!

Do basketball players sit in a library and study the exact angle their arms should be to shoot a free throw… 

… The proper pressure to inflate a basketball… 

… Or how many inches they should bend down before jumping to get a rebound? No way! 

What do you have to “LEARN” to play basketball? 

Dribble the ball. Shoot it in the hoop. That’s basically it! 

Sure there are “rules” - but the rest comes from PLAYING PLAYING PLAYING!

Look, at the end of the day... 

Nobody cares to hear how much you KNOW about guitar, they want to hear you PLAY the darned thing!

And in order to start PLAYING, you have to stop THINKING!

I’d be willing to bet that if you had to choose between “analyzing” your way through a 200-page theory book, versus just picking up your guitar and playing freely…

You’d choose to play freely every single time, right?

So the question is: “How?”... 

How do they make it look so easy? 

What’s that basic, “long-lost” fundamental knowledge of guitar playing that players in the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s knew - before the internet?

It’s what I consider to be the simplest, most overlooked aspect of playing guitar today

Yet somehow, NO ONE talks about it.

You see, every song has 7 primary “feelings” that you can play. 

And through an easy way to “feel” the notes you want to hear (which any human who listens to music is already “pre-wired” to recognize)...

You can hit the right notes freely - while avoiding the wrong ones - over ANY song… 

Which means you can freely “flow” and sound good, expressive, and musical… 

All withOUT thinking about a darned thing!

I know it might sound too good to be true at first. But here’s a fact…

Some guitar players literally LAUGH OUT LOUD when they discover how easy it really is. 

And you can do it yourself in less than an hour from right now.

Look - I wasted 14 years long years struggling on guitar, before I finally discovered the 7 feelings...

And because no one else was teaching this online, that’s why I came “out of the woodwork”...

And made it my mission to help as many guitar players as possible to enjoy the sense of freedom on the guitar neck it gives you.

It’s the reason I spent 3 long weeks creating The Ultimate Lead Guitar Lightbulb Moment...

And because I want to put an end to those publishers and guitar gurus leading well-meaning guitar players down the never-ending treadmill of the “learning loop”…

That’s why I’m giving The Ultimate Lead Guitar Lightbulb Moment Away for FREE, right here on this page…

And I invite you to join me by stealing these “secrets” for yourself, so we can help spread the word to other guitar players like us. 

When you claim your free course, you’ll discover…

- How to hit the right notes and sound good over any song - without thinking about a darned thing… 

- Why the biggest secret of sounding “musical” and “expressive” is to completely ignore the names of the notes… 

- How to progress 7 to 10 times faster by learning LESS, not more...

- Why you should almost NEVER pay attention to the “dots” (or the fret markers) on your fretboard - and the “invisible grid of ‘right’ notes” you should focus on instead...

And a ton more… 

Oh, and there’s no boring or mindless “theory” whatsoever

As soon as you get your free course, you’ll immediately “get” how it all works… 

And you’ll be flowing freely - hitting the right notes that sound good to you - in a matter of a few minutes… 

In fact, you’ll be surprised how impressed other people will be when they hear you play - even when you just play a few simple notes.

And it’s so easy, a guitar player who’s only been playing a month could do it…

Yet it’s the ONE thing some guitar players have been searching for, for years!

Better yet...

I fully believe if you DON’T learn what’s in this free course, then you’ll never fully “connect it all together” 

Like I mentioned, the Ultimate Lead Guitar Lightbulb Moment is yours free today…

You’ll get 100% free access when you claim it on this page. 

But I do have to warn you that this opportunity won’t last forever. And here’s why...

Even though you’re getting your course FREE today, this page is NOT free for me to keep up online. And as soon as costs get too high, I’ll be forced to take this page down, which could happen at any second, without notice. 

And once this page is gone, it’s gone.

That’s why I strongly suggest to claim your free copy of the Ultimate Lead Guitar Lightbulb Moment right now on this page. 

Just click the button below, then tell me where to send it. 

Picture it... just ONE new insight or “Aha” could change everything for you.

In fact, it’s this ONE thing that turned it all around for me...

And now, I invite you to join me by claiming your free course.

Just click the button below now and tell me where to send your FREE access to the Ultimate Lead Guitar Lightbulb Moment:

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