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  For Any Guitar Player Looking To Play Guitar The Way You Always Dreamed Of   
"Discover How Pros Make Guitar Look Easy (Without Boring Theory) By Using The "7 Feelings"...
Allowing You To Hit All The Right Notes Without Thinking, Flow Around The Fretboard Without Hesitation, And Play Faster And Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible
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What is Guitar Grid 101?
Guitar Grid 101 gives you a counterintuitive approach to playing guitar freely that allows you to instantly sound good in any situation - without learning theory or reading music. 

Anyone is able to do this because it uses The 7 Feelings (an innate human trait we all have) without having to spend years studying confusing concepts like scales, modes, the CAGED system, the circle of 5ths, or any other common theory you may have heard of before. 

And as a result... you're able to pick up your guitar and sound fluid, musical, and expressive - while exploring the guitar neck with confidence - with any song.
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Guitar Grid 101 is a SHORTCUT To Playing The Way You Always Wanted
Before I created Guitar Grid 101 - I was struggling with my guitar playing for years and was on the verge of giving up.

I tried YouTube videos, books, courses, private teachers, and even fancy mobile apps...

But always wound up stuck. 

That lead me to question everything being taught out there, and eventually turning the entire "model" upside down, breaking all the "rules", and freeing me from the chains of traditional methods.

After several years of trial-and-error,  testing everything and figuring things out the hard way - without anyone guiding me I've finally reached a point where I could pick up the guitar, move up and down the neck with confidence, and get to that "ultimate happy place" every time... WITHOUT thinking about a darned thing!

Now, you have the opportunity to FINALLY play guitar the way you always dreamed of in record time by getting access to the Guitar Grid 101 system today. 

Here's how it works:

Guitar Grid 101

Play freely with the 7 Feelings
4 FREE Fast Action Bonuses

Unlimited Dexterity ($59 Value)

Makes playing feel effortless!

5 Creativity Tracks ($39 Value)

Boosts creativity & expression!

10X Progress ($49 Value)

Gets you 10X faster progress!

Super Community ($167 Value)

Get all your questions answered!

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Try it for 60 days with NO RISK!
What Students Are Saying
This Method Has Been Featured On:
Here's How I Went From Stuck And Frustrated To Playing Guitar The Way I Always Dreamed Of By Ignoring The Common Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning Traditional Guitar Learning Model Upside Down 
 This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've
Ever Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To Discover Why The Guitar Grid 101 System Is So Effective
Dear Future Proud, Respected, and Admired Guitarist
From: The laptop of Jonathan Boyd
Re: Playing guitar the way you always wanted (and why this is your only way out)
Would it surprise you to learn, that I was finally able to hit all the right notes and sound great in any key - using the information revealed in this simple, straightforward course you can do in an afternoon?


You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-) 
so let me prove it to you
But first, read this disclaimer:
I have the benefit of actually using this information, and letting it work for my guitar playing.

The average person who purchases any “how to” information simply doesn't use it. 

Your results will directly result from USING the information inside your course. It's simple. It's easy. It works better than anything you've ever tried - I guarantee it.

But it can't work if you simply don't do anything with it. After all, it's not a "magic pill." If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS COURSE.

And yes, you will need to go through the course, watch the concepts, and DO the action steps I tell you to do, to get results.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you the "why"...
And I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…
The same 7 Feelings approach that over 670,000 guitar players from all over the world are now using to finally unlock the guitar neck forever…

...And in turn make rapid progress faster than ever before...

...All while completely SKIPPING OVER BORING THEORY so they can focus on having FUN and PLAYING the way they always dreamed of...

...And best of all, you can do it in about an hour or two!
Just Like Joe Griffin, Who Got Guitar Grid 101 A Few Months Ago And Soon After Said "This Is The MAGIC KEY I've Been Looking For!"
Soon After, Having The Biggest Guitar Playing "AHA", He Sent Me This Message:
And even though he found something that worked for him after years of trying, that's not the best part...

The best part is that he finally got the key the UNLOCKS THE GUITAR NECK FOREVER!

That's right, there is ONE single "pattern" that reveals the "WHY" behind how it all works, and that connects all the dots, so you always know exactly what you're doing. 

And Joe isn’t the only one either…
This Is Glenn Cherveny, Another Guitar Grid 101 Member, Who Got Access To The Course Not Too Long Ago…
...And soon after he said it had "awakened the beast inside him"!!...
Here’s a post he posted in our private Community (which you will also have access to once you get the course today)...
Here’s yet another Guitar Grid 101 owner who started using these strategies…
Meet Scott Brahin Who Said This Method "opened Up A whole New World" For Him...
Joe, Glenn, and Scott are a group of over 83,147 new wave of Guitar Grid 101 owners who are doing things differently…
And you can BET...

This "7 Feelings" method is unlike any method you heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…
  •  We don’t focus on confusing and boring guitar theory...
  • ​ We don’t focus on practicing for 4 hours... or heck, even 30 minutes per day! 
  • ​ We don’t focus on trying to be more "disciplined" and "just practicing more"...
  • ​ We don’t focus on reading music or trying to "memorize" the notes on the fretboard...
  • ​ We don’t focus on the CAGED system, the pentatonic scale, the circle of 5ths, or any other confusing mumbo jumbo... 
In fact: we rarely (if ever) even focus on the names of the notes!
Instead We Play By FEEL By Using The 7 FEELINGS...
Like I said…
This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…
…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The GG101 model allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it comes to trying to figure it all out myself…
  • ​I STOPPED trying to learn endless confusing scales...
  • ​​I STOPPED reading theory books and watching theory videos...
  • ​​I STOPPED feeling guilty when I didn't practice a lot...
  • ​​I STOPPED trying to connect the dots on my own...
  • ​​I STOPPED feeling frustrated and stuck and started having FUN!!!
Guitar Grid 101 Freed Me From All That and It Allowed Me To Finally Express Myself On The Neck!
Here’s what my life used to look like (and if you've ever been stuck in a rut, then I’m sure you can relate)…

I call this the “Guitar Player's Treadmill”:
  Step 1 - I'd try to figure out what I should practice to get better...
  Step 2 - I'd try to find YouTube videos, take private lessons, or go through books...
  Step 3 - The teacher would go too fast, steps would be skipped, I couldn't ask questions, and I'd get FRUSTRATED...
  Step 4 - I'd go right back to playing the same old BORING, WORN OUT crap I always played...
  Step 5 - I'd feel DISGUSTED with my progress, disappointed with my abilities, and afraid that I'd never figure it all out...
  Step 6 - I'd put down the guitar to collect dust either in the closet, in the case, under my bed, or on a stand... and felt guilty every time I thought about it...
  Step 7 - Life would get in the way, days would go by, then something would eventually inspire me to try to pick it up again...
  Step 8 - Start over
The Guitar Player's Treadmill not only sucked, but kept me stuck in a rut for FOURTEEN LONG YEARS - forcing me to keep going through this cycle of being constantly disappointed with my progress... while still working my butt off. 

To be honest…

...I got so fed up I almost quit for good. 

... But before I gave up...

I happened to hear about about the 7 Feelings in a lucky encounter with a University Instructor....

And everything changed.

And as you're about to find out...

... It worked.

And since no one I ever talked to had heard of it... and I could find anything about it online...

I spent years turning it into a system other guitar players could use...
And I Put This Entire System In A Step-By-Step Course Called “Guitar Grid 101” And You Can Let Change YOUR Guitar Playing Too, In Just A Few Moments From Now…
But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how I stumbled on all this in the first place.

My name’s Jonathan Boyd…
And you may not have heard of me before because I don't post a billion videos on YouTube like all those "guitar gurus" out there. 

I have to admit, today my guitar playing feels pretty good…

Especially since I can pick up the guitar and play what I feel up and down the neck without having to think about it... and even learn new songs and solos just by listening. 
Here are a few pictures of how it feels when doing things I previously never would have thought were possible for me...
As We Get To Know Each Other… You’ll Quickly Realize That I’m The Luckiest Person On Earth - So Let’s Talk About Where I Was In 2011...
I was just a "nobody" living in Alabama...

I was completely stuck in a rut with my guitar playing... 

I was sick and tired of playing the same old worn out stuff...

I had tried EVERYTHING from YouTube videos, books, courses, apps, and even private teachers...

... and I had just been laughed at by a group of friends who saw me embarrass myself when a girl I liked asked me to play guitar in front of everyone... 

Which mean even though I'd been trying for YEARS... I just couldn't put it all together to ever be more than just some "mediocre" guy plunking around on the guitar... 

And that STUNK!!!!

There’s a stupid myth out there..that you have to go out and learn as much as you can about things like chords and scales and CAGED and circle of 5ths and other mind-numbing theory... 

And that eventually when you've learned enough, it will finally connect and you'll be able to sound good and play freely. 

… Well I found out the hard way THAT'S NOT TRUE...

And if you want to be able to pick up the guitar and sound musical and expressive... it's the OPPOSITE of what you SHOULD be doing...

I know, because I tried.

I gave it everything I had.

I gave it my BEST shot.

And I realized that continuing to go more and more down that path would only make me have to THINK even more...

When all the pros agree that the only way to play freely is when you're NOT THINKING!

I played "by the rules" and I did everything "right" according to all those YouTube videos and books out there... yet...
I ended up STUCK in a Rut, Hating My Progress, And Feeling Disgusted With My Abilities…
I hated it because it felt like such a "SLOG" to try to wade through all that boring theory...

Like I was stuck in a PhD level math class where everything flew over my head and I couldn't actually APPLY any of it.

I had goals, dreams and aspirations...I wanted more out of my guitar playing...

...and being stuck on some boring, guitar theory treadmill (or playing "marry had a little lamb") wasn't going to work. 

So I did what anyone else would do in this situation.

I started looking for a way out.

I looked everywhere and a few months later I found it.

I just happened to overhear a university jazz instructor mention something about the number 7... 

And the lightbulb went off. That's when everything changed for me!

I used to think if I just kept trying then I'd eventually get there...

But in that moment it was clear as day I'd been going down the wrong path!

It finally made sense why everything I tried wasn't working... 

And it wasn't my fault!

The more people I talked to, and more I did some research I found so many others who were in the same situation as me... 

They'd also played for a while but just weren't making the progress they wanted to make... 

And the main difference that this pro instructor explained what that while most guitar players try to focus on learning a bunch of "stuff" first, and expecting it to lead to good playing... 

I discovered through the 7 feelings that the pros focus on PLAYING... and sounding good and musical FIRST... completely the opposite of what most people try to do! 
The "7 Feelings" Is The Most Natural And Easy-to-Use approach If You Want To Pick Up Your Guitar And Sound Amazing RIGHT NOW, TODAY
Just think about it: 
 With the old approach, how much theory do you have to learn before it finally all connects? ENDLESS! Because it only gets more DIS-CONNECTED the more you learn!
 You naturally know what songs you like and what songs you don't like, right? THAT'S WHY you can play by FEEL, without having to think!
 Many guitar legends, like Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Jimi Hendrix NEVER Studied theory, right? So that means there HAS to be an easier way!
 If learning all that stuff they teach on YouTube worked like they said, then don't you think you'd be further along by now? Think about it... if you have the right key for a lock... it unlocks right away. Not in 10 or 20 years!!
 What does sounding "musical" and expressive have to do with theory? NOTHING! It's all in how the notes make you FEEL -- not lifeless charts and numbers and symbols on a page!! 
The 7 Feelings was the perfect thing for me...
And the best part I loved about doing it this way?
You Don’t Even Have To Slog Through Boring and Confusing Guitar Theory!!
Which means you can literally pick up the guitar and start hitting all the right notes, and sounding musical and expressive right away...

All you have to do is use the Guitar Grid that guides your fingers to the right notes... and you simply play the FEELING you want. No thinking required!
And that was the birth of
me Creating This System
After doing a bit of research and teaching other guitar players... I discovered that NOBODY had heard of this method... and it wasn't anywhere online. 

At first, I had no idea how to combine the whole thing into one, easy to use package... 

All I knew how to do was show other guitar players what I'd learned... 

Here's what those humble beginning days looked like
And even though I had the knowledge of how it all worked, and how to get other guitar players results... 

I still had to get up everyday and teach all this stuff to guitar players in person... in my old, dingy basement...

Looking back, those first 3 years were brutal.

Late nights.

Hard work.

By that time, although the system was working, and students were getting faster results than they ever thought possible... 

It was so much work that I was ready to throw in the towel and stop teaching all together...

But thankfully, each time I saw a guitar player's face light up... something just told me to keep going...
That was 7 years ago, And fast forward to today and it almost seems like a bad dream
I proved the idea of “following the traditional (boring) path of learning guitar” to be all wrong…

Instead of trying to cram my brain full of abstract concepts and theories... and trying to think about how it all works when I play... 

I'm able to just pick up my guitar and play pretty much whatever I want... all by FEEL... even with my eyes closed... and without thinking about a darned thing! 
Here's me getting lost in that "ultimate happy place" while my fingers just take on a "mind of their own"...
Now, probably like you, I can't stand when those 'gurus' on YouTube just play a lot to show off and say "look how great I am"... 

In fact, I'm a humble guy and have never liked the "spotlight"... 

But I have to tell you... that since using this system... 

I can honestly say that I can now pick up the guitar and play the way I always dreamed of...

Unlike so many other frustrated guitar players out there who are stuck in a rut, and would give almost anything to have a huge breakthrough... 

Where the lightbulb comes on, and a whole new world opens up on the guitar neck. 

You see, the main problem is that they're wasting all their time trying to climb the "guitar theory ladder"... learning tons about scales and chords and so many other confusing and overwhelming concepts that they never quite can APPLY....

I did this for years, and it not only drove me crazy…

It drove me to the point where I felt TERRIBLE about my abilities... 

Where I wanted to smash my guitar... rip out the strings... 

And throw it out the window and quit for good. UGH!!!

Instead of me making progress... I felt like I was just spinning my wheels in a pit of quicksand... where the harder I tried, the deeper and faster I sank!!!!
Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is With The Guitar Grid 101 Model And That “Old Way” Of Doing Things?
The "old" way says you'll sound good "one day", but you have to slog through years of endless, painful and boring theory first. The NEW WAY lets you hit all the right notes without thinking, and sound good NOW! TODAY!
Rather than doing all those things I mentioned above in order to "maybe, hopefully, somehow, someday" play freely, here’s what it looks like now...
And The Result Of Using This New Way?
FINALLY picking up the guitar with confidence and being able to freely "flow" with your own unique style... and getting lost in that "ultimate happy place" where nothing exists but you and the guitar...
Which Naturally Leads To...
People tell me all the time, "Wow, you're so TALENTED" (ha! If they only knew where I started!) 

Yet I have to admit it does feel good to walk into a room, and if there's a guitar around, you see other people's faces light up when you play... and they look at you like you're the "grand master" musician. 
Just imagine how amazing it would feel for others to admire your playing, and look up to you, and want to hear you play?
The really cool thing is that…

If you follow every single step that I teach, you end up with instant "musical ability" you may have never thought you had... and freedom on the neck you never thought you could experience before...

But it’s much more than that. It's...
The Deepest Level of Satisfaction And Confidence To know That It's Possible For YOU To Finally Play Guitar The Way You always Dreamed Of...
How many guitar methods have you seen over the years?
  Teachers on YouTube who show you endless scales, go way too fast, and just show off...
  Or books that cover a lot of confusing concepts in a short time and leave out information... but you can't ask questions...
  Or private teachers who insist you learn how to read music and try to get you to play "Mary Had a Little Lamb"...
Yet the 7 Feelings let you get results, and start playing by feel almost INSTANTLY... and give you a skill that lasts a lifetime - that you can even pass on to friends or family members!

Now, speaking of the model...

I’m going to share something that’s a little bit disturbing with you.

Here it goes:

I am making "some of the stuff you've learned in the past" pointless by showing you this.

And those YouTube gurus out there who just want to make ad revenue by making videos designed to get you to just keep watching (instead of videos that help you progress the fastest)... keep teaching the opposite of what I teach (except it doesn't work).
Ready for it?
The #1 Mistake Everyone Else Makes is Learning More Stuff That Makes You THINK... And Expecting It To Let You Play Without Thinking...
Let me explain:

There are two types of people out there that "play" guitar.

There are the "hobbyists" and there are "guitar players".

For my first 14 years - I was a struggling hobbyist. 

Hobbyists are always out there trying to "figure it all out"... trying to find that "thing" they're missing that will make it all make sense. So they can know what they're doing and not sound mediocre. 

Their strategy is to "just keep practicing... and one day they'll get there." 

And by focusing on this strategy - they spend a ton of time on...
  •  Wandering around from YouTube video to YouTube video...
  • Getting stuck in a rut of playing the SAME old boring, worn out stuff... and always sounding the same...
  • Getting (bad, and often damaging) advice from non-pro guitar players... 
  • Thinking that only "lucky" or musically gifted or naturally talented people, or those with the right size fingers, started early in life, know how to read music, have a knowledge of music theory, or are "smart"... can be good guitar players...
  • Not following a proven system, and doing each step, and getting the results...
  • Trying to be "self taught" by guessing at what they should learn next, and figuring it out by the "trial and error" approach...
All of this requires time and energy.

And this is the same exact thing that happened to me before I figured out the Guitar Grid 101 model.
The solution?
Use the 7 Feelings to Sound Good TODAY (Not Someday)... Without having To Think About It
That's right...

I said it, we show you exactly how to start sounding musical and expressive in as little as 1 hour... without having to think about what you're doing...

...Because I'd rather start having FUN NOW, and every time I pick up the guitar instead of hoping that one day all that theory will make sense before it's too late. 

No thanks. I did that before and it sucks. (And it doesn't work).

So here's the deal...

...I explain everything inside Guitar Grid 101. it's a step-by-step course with bite sized action steps that build as you go. 
So here's the $3,000 idea behind the Guitar Grid 101 Model
Right now, as you're reading this very page...

There's a lot of activity happening in the world of learning guitar.

In fact, over the last few years, the guitar-learning landscape has changed DRASTICALLY because of the fact that "just anyone" can throw up a YouTube video or write an article online...

A lot of people thing that easier access and more information would make it easier to learn. But the opposite is true...

This has only made the problem of figuring out WHAT to learn and WHEN and from WHO... much MUCH worse!!

Now, most of the guitar players out there are looking for something that makes sense... that just plain works...

And as you may have guessed it - this is it.

And what's really cool is that when you let the 7 Feelings and Guitar Grid model change your playing... 

You can simply forget about all that other mountain of information out there. Cause this puts it all together for you... rather than you having to do it yourself. 
That's Right - given a choice, Guitar Players Would rather Play By Feel With The 7 Feelings than Slog Their Way Through Boring Theory
And that's where Guitar Grid 101comes in...

It does this beautifully in 3 easy steps...
And that’s the difference here. 

When you start to use the 7 Feelings, it all comes together - where you can instantly hit the right notes and sound good in any situation... 

Instead of studying "theory" - looking at symbols and confusing concepts... and trying to piece it all together. 

I’m not saying that way can't work for anybody. There are definitely people out there who "nerd out" on talking about theoretical concepts...

What I’m saying if your goal is to simply be able to pick up the guitar, have a lot of FUN, and be able to play whatever you want without having to think about it...

Then the "traditional way" might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from getting it! It definitely was for me (and thousands of students). 

The "guitar theory treadmill" requires you to study and think hard and practice boring concepts for hours and days and weeks and months and years... without hardly ever playing something that sounds MUSICAL... and feels easy and effortless and fun. 

The 7 Feelings just requires a knowledge of the Guitar Grid, and where the 7 Feelings are on that grid. 

And that's why this is different.
And you know what? I'll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Fact
I can show ANYONE (including YOU) how to pick up the guitar, hit all the right notes, and sound good by FEEL, in as little as 1 hour from right now... no matter your past experience.
And once you start using this Guitar Grid and 7 Feelings model...

Being able to "put it all together" so it finally all "makes sense" and you know the "why" behind what you're doing... isn’t something you ever need to worry about again - or even think about.

It’s something that just hits you... like a lightbulb moment... when you see how it all fits together.

In fact, many students LAUGH OUT LOUD when they see how easy and simple it is -- because they can't believe that nobody told them this before. 

Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now - set it to 24 hours from right now.

Because If you implement everything I’m going to share with you in Guitar Grid 101 within the next 24 hours.

Then you'll start seeing results... even results you may have never believed were possible for you... in just that short amount of time. 

That’s how easy this is. 

I know how ridiculous that sounds…and how hard to believe that sounds…
And Just A Few Years Ago… i’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You’d Ever Believe Such Method Existed…
…But, today I know better.


I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to make progress, get to the next level, or learn something new on guitar…

I promise you this…

Anyone (yes, ANYONE) can hit the right notes and sound good with the right method... regardless of whether or not you have natural talent, the size and shape of your fingers, your age, or even when you started. (more on this below)..

Ultimately I want you to know one thing..
If I Can Do This, So Can You!
Because over 83,000 others are doing it too right now within the Supergroup Community...

Here are some recent messages:
The system just plain works. I mean, just look at what they said!
and here's another reason
you too can do this
It took me 14 long, trudgerous years to finally "figure this all out"...

...and another 7 years to perfect it.

Which is safe to say that there isn't anything left for you to figure out.

I already did all of the hard work for you.

I figured it all out.

Which means...there’s nothing for you to “figure out”.

You just need to get access to the course, and most important of all - implement it!

That’s it…
Here’s The exact 3-Step System Revealed in the Guitar Grid 101 For Playing Without Thinking
  Step 1 - Discover The Guitar Grid - You'll see what makes up the grid, why most people have never heard about it, why it works, and why it's possible (and how) to hit the right notes without having to think about it. 
  Step 1 - Discover The 7 Feelings - You'll see where these feelings come from, why we ALL have them, how they apply to any song (in any key) and how and why you can use them on the grid, to always sound musical and expressive. 
  Step 1 - Sound Great In Any Key And "Flow" With Your Own Unique Style - You'll discover how to easily apply the Guitar Grid and 7 Feelings for any song, in any key... by doing one simple hand movement.  
Those are the 3 steps to unlocking the fretboard, and finally playing guitar the way you always wanted. 

All of this is revealed in Guitar Grid 101 in step-by-step detail.

Making it a counterintuitive approach to confidently explore the neck for the person that seeks to play guitar freely. 

And that's just the tip of the iceberg, becuase...
here's what else you're going to discover in Guitar Grid 101
  The reason why pros make guitar look so easy even though the vast majority of "legends" didn't study theory (In fact, some of the modern theory wasn't even invented when they started!) 
  how each one of the 7 Feelings FEELS - and when to know which feeling you want to hit, based on what you want to hear!
  what a "key" actually is - And why most guitar players have heard of it, and only "kind of" know what it is, but not really (Hint: It's something you can pour milk into)!
  the counterintuitive "pick-tilt-trick" that can dOUBLE your picking speed - without going faster - while cutting the effort in half!
  the exact hand and finger positioning that lets you reach any note with ease - (hint: it involves your LEG, and most guitar players never do this - and that's a hUGE thing holding them back)
  Why most guitar players fall into the same dangerous "guitar theory trap" (which the majority never escape) And how to avoid it altogether!
  and much MUCH more!!!
By the end, you'll be able to pick up your guitar, hit all the right note, and sound great in any situation. 

If feeling confident with your playing, and exploring the neck without hesitation is what you seek, this is the ultimate "guide" on how to get it FAST.
Plus I'm Going To Give You Unlimited Dexterity
Just like an athlete trains in the gym in order to perform better on the field or the court...

Pro guitar players train their FINGERS... so they can perform well on the guitar. 

Most guitar players never realize this. And they get stuck with slow, stiff fingers that don't allow them to get very far. 

Nobody is BORN with "perfect guitar fingers"...

But when after the 10 easy exercises inside Unlimited Dexterity...

Other people will THINK you were born with it... because everything you play - every chord, every note, every stretch and movement - will feel effortless and sound amazing. 
And Before You Get Guitar Grid 101 Today…I Want You To Know That There's No Catch!
I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but when you get it, it turns out to be total junk...

Then we end up thinking "well, we get what we pay for"...

But there ARE true deals out there. And this is one of them. 

Remember, I've only lowered the price temporarily to help people out since times are so crazy right now...

But it WILL go back up again. Make no mistake about it. 

But for now... 

I'm literally giving you this entire course and all the bonuses for a tiny stack of pennies as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you'll love it, and you'll want to keep letting me guide you towards playing guitar the way you always dreamed of...

That would be a privilege and an honor. 

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:
This Won’t Last Long
The truth is...

Access to this course has been $47 before... 

And since it's helping so many people from all walks of life... ALL OVER THE WORLD... (over 83,000 to be more specific)...

I wanted to lower the price so that ANYONE can sign up and start changing their guitar playing right now...

And that's because my mission is to help as many guitar players as possible.
By lowering the price to $2.99 it allows me to impact more people and help them To Stop Wasting Time With Stuff That Doesn't Work And FINALLY Play Guitar The Way They Always Wanted
I consider that at true win/win...

Because at the end of the day, helping people is what matters.

That said...

Unfortunately these crazy times are also coming with crazy costs...

And that includes the cost of me hosting this course online, providing world class support, and helping our members succeed...

And unless I at least keep the lights on, I won't be able to keep helping people. And who would win in that case? No one. 

Anyway - with all of that said, that's why this is a limited offer.
You're Also Getting 5 Creativity-Boosting Play Along Tracks
When you’re trying to play along to a song, other instruments like the drums, the guitars, and even the singer can get in the way and make it hard to concentrate...

That’s why you’re going to get 5 special play-along tracks which draw out a level of creativity and expressiveness you never knew you know you had...

You can listen to these on your phone, computer, or wherever you are...
And trust me, once you get going, they’ll have to pry the guitar from your hands to stop...

It's a $39 value which you're getting at no cost as my gift to you today. 
You're Also Getting 10X Progress
if you want to make the fastest progress, you’ve got to do the right things at the right time...

So you’re going to get the 10X Progress Audio Series, so you know exactly what to do...

If you’ve ever wondered how the pros get so good so fast...

Do these things 10 things and it will be impossible for your progress NOT to explode...!

A $49 value which you're getting as my gift to you when you sign up today. 
You're Also Getting All Your Questions Answered Inside the Supergroup Community
One of the biggest problems with books, YouTube and other courses is that you can’t ask questions...

Well we’re going to solve that problem for you once and for all...

Private students pay a minimum of $167 a month to get their questions answered ...

But you can get full support access directly from me inside the program...

Just hit me up in your member’s area and I will personally help you...

Think about it... just ONE comment... ONE suggestion... ONE idea can save you months or even years of frustration...

The best part is, 95% of students say the lessons are so clear they don’t even have questions.

And by the way, in case you're wondering if there's a guarantee...

You're absolutely right...

Because you're getting what I consider to be...
The BEST Money-Back Guarantee 
In The World

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I get into anything…

…I like to know what I’m getting, and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with your purchase today.

And even though it’s only $2.99...

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Get inside the course today, and more importantly apply what you learn in there.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn, and the progress you're making...

Heck, even if you don't like the font size, the guitar I use in your lessons, or even the colors of the website...

You can get all your money back "no matter what." 

Just shoot me an email within 60 days...

We'll instantly refund your $2.99 and let you keep the entire Guitar Grid 101 program (and all the bonuses) free of charge so you can give it to someone else.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...
This Offer Will NOT Last Long...
(Save $97.01 today)

Get Instant Access For $99 Just $2.99! Includes bonuses. Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.
Available For Instant Access
I’ll talk to you in our Supergroup Community you’ll get instant access to as soon as you sign up for Guitar Grid 101 now.

Take care and talk soon,
P.S. Remember, Guitar Grid 101 comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World. The 60-Day "No Matter What" Guarantee. 

Get in the course. Learn. Do the action steps. Completely change your guitar playing. 

And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and we’ll refund you your $2.99.
Here's What You'll Discover Inside
  The Reason Why Pros Make Guitar Look So Easy Even Though The Vast Majority Of "Legends" Didn't Study Theory (In Fact, Some Of The Modern Theory Wasn't Even Invented When They Started!) 
  How Each One Of The 7 Feelings FEELS - And When To Know Which Feeling You Want To Hit, Based On What You Want To Hear!
  What A "Key" Actually Is - And Why Most Guitar Players Have Heard Of It, And Only "Kind Of" Know What It Is, But Not Really (Hint: It's Something You Can Pour Milk Into)!
  The Counterintuitive "Pick-Tilt-Trick" That Can DOUBLE Your Picking Speed - Without Going Faster - While Cutting The Effort In Half!
  The Exact Hand And Finger Positioning That Lets You Reach Any Note With Ease - (Hint: It Involves Your LEG, And Most Guitar Players Never Do This - And That's A HUGE Thing Holding Them Back)
  Why Most Guitar Players Fall Into The Same Dangerous "Guitar Theory Trap" (Which The Majority Never Escape) And How To Avoid It Altogether!
  And much MUCH more!!!
Get Instant Access Now
(Save $97.01 today)

Get Instant Access For $99 Just $2.99! Includes bonuses. Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.
Available For Instant Digital Access
Here's What Others Are Saying
Frequently Asked Questions
 Who is this for and who is this not for?
Brand new beginners should not sign up - unless you’re really serious. Ideally, you should at least be able to play a few chords before joining. But only you can make that decision...

On the other hand, if you’re already a pro, and you already know how to improvise all across the fretboard in any key without thinking, you should probably look elsewhere...

However, if you’re anywhere in between, you should definitely sign up today. All you have to do is click the button below.
 Am I too old for this?
One of my most successful students is 69 years old, and he can now improvise up and down
the guitar neck over any song…

And other happy students are well into their 90s! So no, you’re never too old... and you can sign up right now...
 Does it matter if I play acoustic or electric?
Nope! Everything you’ll learn works on all guitars with any number of strings... even bass guitars.
 Do I need to know music theory or be able to read music?
Not at all. In fact, it’s probably better if you don’t know much theory, and you don’t want to have to read music...
 Will I be able to grasp everything in the course?
Let me put it this way. I don’t teach “guitar”... I teach YOU... through tiny, bite-sized action steps that anyone can follow...

If you learned to tie your shoes, write your name, and drive a car... you can enjoy everything
this program has to offer...
 How long does it take to see results?
Do exactly what I show you, and you’ll impress even yourself as soon as the very first day...
 Will this work with the style of music I want to play?
What you’ll learn in this course is the foundation of every style of popular music. Think about it
like this...

There are different styles of cars, but they’re all meant to get you around. When you learn how to drive, you can drive any style of car. This program teaches you how to drive... where you want to go is up to you...
 How will this program help me with my specific situation?
Music works the same for every style of western music, like rock, blues, jazz, pop, funk, soul, etc. Therefore, to be great at any style, you must master what you’ll learn in this program first...
 Does it work in my country?
Yep. The course works from anywhere in the world...
 What’s your guarantee and your refund policy?
The program comes with a full 60-Day “No Matter What” Money Back Guarantee. So you can enjoy all the program has to offer, completely change your guitar playing, and still get a full refund if you’re not happy...

All you have to do to try the program risk-free is get instant access below now…
Get Guitar Grid 101 Now
(Save $97.01 today)

Get Instant Access For $99 Just $2.99! Includes bonuses. Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.
Available For Instant Digital Access
Included Bonuses

Unlimited Dexterity

Makes anything you play feel effortless and sound amazing!

5 Creativity Tracks

Draws out a level of creativity and expressiveness in your playing that you never knew you had!

10X Progress

Do these 10 things, and it will be impossible for your progress NOT to explode!


Finally get ALL your questions answered, as well as the motivation and inspiration you need to succeed!

60-Day Guarantee

Soak up the program and all the bonuses for a full 60 days, still get your money back no matter what.
Look What Students Say!
3 Steps To Playing Freely
Get Guitar Grid 101 Now
(Save $97.01 today)

Get Instant Access For $99 Just $2.99! Includes bonuses. Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.
Available For Instant Digital Access
Here's Everything You're Getting 
For Only $2.99 Today
Included With Your Order

Unlimited Dexterity

Makes anything you play feel effortless and sound amazing!
Included With Your Order

10X Progress

Do these 10 things, and it will be impossible for your progress NOT to explode!
Included With Your Order

Supergroup Community

Finally get ALL your questions answered, as well as the motivation and inspiration you need to succeed!
Included With Your Order

5 Creativity Play Along Tracks

Draws out a level of creativity and expressiveness in your playing that you never knew you had!
A Total of $413 In Real, Actionable Value!
Get Instant Access directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.
Only $99 $2.99 Today
(Save $97.01 today) Get instant access for just $99 $2.99 today. Includes bonuses Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.
"You Can't Think And Play. If You Think About What You're Playing, The Playing Becomes Stilted"
Legendary Guitarist, Joe Pass
DISCLAIMER: This is not an endorsement from Joe Pass
Here's a sneak peek Of What's inside Guitar Grid 101
You're Also Getting...
Unlimited Dexterity
Makes anything you play from chords to lead feel effortless and sound amazing!
5 Creativity Tracks
Draws out a level of creativity and expressiveness in your playing that you never knew you had!
10X Progress
Do these 10 things, and it will be impossible for your progress NOT to explode!
 Frequently Asked Questions
 Who is this for and who is this not for?
Brand new beginners should not sign up - unless you’re really serious. Ideally, you should at least be able to play a few chords before joining...

On the other hand, if you’re already a pro, and you already know how to improvise all across the fretboard in any key without thinking, you should probably look elsewhere...

However, if you’re anywhere in between, you should definitely sign up today. All you have to do is click the button below.
 Does it matter if I play acoustic or electric?
Nope! Everything you’ll learn works on all guitars with any number of strings... even bass guitars.
 Will this work with the style of music I want to play?
What you’ll learn in this course is the foundation of every style of popular music. Think about it
like this...

There are different styles of cars, but they’re all meant to get you around. When you learn how to drive, you can drive any style of car. This program teaches you how to drive... where you want to go is up to you...
 Does it work in my country?
Yep. The course works from anywhere in the world...

All you need is an internet connection and a computer, tablet, or phone. 
 How long does it take to see results?
Not at all. In fact, it’s probably better if you don’t know much theory, and you don’t want to have to read music...
 Am I too old for this?
One of my most successful students is 69 years old, and he can now improvise up and down
the guitar neck over any song…

And other happy students are well into their 90s! So no, you’re never too old... and you can sign up right now...
 Will I be able to grasp everything in the course?
Let me put it this way. I don’t teach “guitar”... I teach YOU... through tiny, bite-sized action steps that anyone can follow...

If you learned to tie your shoes, write your name, and drive a car... you can enjoy everything
this program has to offer...
 Do I need to know music theory or be able to read music?
Do exactly what I show you, and you’ll impress even yourself as soon as the very first day...
 How will this program help me with my specific situation?
Music works the same for every style of western music, like rock, blues, jazz, pop, funk, soul, etc. Therefore, to be great at any style, you must master what you’ll learn in this program first...
 What’s your guarantee and your refund policy?
The program comes with a full 60-Day “No Matter What” Money Back Guarantee. So you can enjoy all the program has to offer, completely change your guitar playing, and still get a full refund if you’re not happy...
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954 Ave Ponce De Leon STE 205 PMB 10178 San Juan, PR 00907