The Ultimate Lead Guitar
Lightbulb Moment
(Part 2 of 3)...
“First thing’s first.” I said…

Being “boxed in” on the fretboard is not a problem.”

John looked at me like I was an alien.

“Think about it...

Even if you play all across the fretboard… 

You’re STILL boxed in…

Because the fretboard is a box. 

If you can’t sound good in a “little” box… 

You won’t sound good in a big box either.

Or any size box.
“The secret is to be able to sound good within the box.
“How do you do that?” John asked.

“Well, it has to do with singing”…

“Singing!? I can’t sing!” he reacted.

“Don’t worry… you don’t have to be able to sing. We’ll get to all that later.

But before we do, we need to see if you have… “it”… first…

That “thing” that determines whether you have the potential to be a good lead guitar player…

Or if you’re just wasting your time. 

Now, a couple of “ground rules” before we start: 

First, I want you to keep in mind that this is just a test.

Don’t expect it to make you some kind of “Guitar God” in 5 minutes like they tell you all over the internet.

Just for now, I want you to forget everything you’ve heard or learned about scales, the CAGED system, music theory, all that stuff…
No matter if you’ve never played a scale in your life, or if you know lots of them… 

We’re not going to worry about any of that right now, ok?”

He nodded.

“The first thing we’re going to do is play a simple little box… 

Just 5 notes.

Here, let me show it to you...”

(IMPORTANT: Tune your guitar BEFORE you try this! Otherwise it will not sound good).

(After you've tuned your guitar click “play” and learn the notes yourself)
Go ahead and play the notes in that box. Make sure you know where each of them are. And make sure you’re playing on the right frets.

I want you to get comfortable playing these notes before we move on.”

(Go ahead and do this yourself if you haven’t)

“Got ‘em down? 

Ok. So now that you know where the notes are…
I want you to play all the combinations you can think of, using only the
5 notes in the box 
He looked at me like “Are you sure?”… 

“Go ahead!

Experiment with how you can mix up the notes.

Can you skip strings? Play them 2 at a time? Play them forwards? Play them backwards? Play them in a random order?”

Try it now.

Limited to just 5 notes, John quickly realized he had to get creative. 

So he put his mind to it…

And for the next 3 or 4 minutes, he experimented with all the different combinations he could make. And got comfortable with each of them.

(You should do this too before you move on)

“Now” I said. 

“I’m going to play some chords… 

And when I start playing...
I want you to use those notes in that little box and "make something up"... 
He looked terrified. 

“But I don’t know…”

“Don’t worry. I know you don’t know what to play. 

That’s the point!
Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, you have my permission to make
as many as you want
You’re safe in the studio, and there’s no one to judge you. 

When you hear the music… 

All I want you to do is experiment using the 5 notes in the box.

Test out the notes. See how they feel. See how they sound. 

See which ones sound good to you. Which combinations you can play. 

See how you can get into the “groove” and make up your own cool “riffs”. Mix it up. 

There are no wrong notes.


He gripped his guitar neck a little tighter. And gulped, as if he was about to jump out of an airplane.

“Ready.” he nodded. 

“Here we go…”

(Click “play” to hear the music, then play around with the 5 notes in the box. Improvise. Experiment. See what you can come up with. And most importantly: Have FUN!)
As the last chord rang out…

John slowly looked up from his guitar, realizing where he was... 

... astonished.

“How did you...?!”

“...How did I make you sound good?” I grinned.

“I didn’t… 

YOU did.

John blinked a few times. Trying to grasp what just happened.

“Now let me ask you a question.” I said…
I know it wasn’t perfect. But were there certain notes you hit that you thought sounded good at times?
“Yes, at times” he agreed…
And even though some of those notes sounded good… did you still feel slightly limited? Almost you saw glimpses of a “new world”, but couldn’t quite see the full picture?
“Yeah, it was kind of like that!” he said, starting to crack a smile.
And even if you couldn’t grasp the “full” picture… Do you feel like you were able to “fit in” to the music here and there - even if it didn’t last that long?
“YES!” he started to breathe a little heavier.
And if you had more time, do you think you could have gotten better at what you were playing?
“Oh yeah, I can definitely see that!” 

His eyes began to sparkle with hope.

“Then well done” I said.


That means you have “it”… 

That spark…

That “music” inside you. Waiting to be expressed.
YOU have what it takes to become a good (and maybe one day, respected and admired) lead guitar player!
There’s a lot to cover ahead of us.

That was just step #1. 

But it only gets easier and more fun from here. 

The real secrets lie ahead.

“So?” I asked, offering a handshake…

“Would you like to continue?”
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