The Ultimate
Song Learning

Most guitar players make 3 counterintuitive mistakes that make it hard (or even impossible) to play the music they love...
The reason these mistakes are so hard to notice is because seem like the right thing to do...

But after 23 years of playing and teaching guitar professionally, recording multiple albums, and owning a private Guitar School… 

I watch guitar players fall into this same trap over and over again (I did too)... 

And in fact, if you've ever felt like you should be making faster progress...

If you've struggled getting your fingers to cooperate...

Or if you've found yourself wondering if there's a better way...

Chances Are You're Making At Least 1 Of Them. Here's Why...

You see, we all start out on guitar learning basic chords and finger movements...

But when we want to go further... to learn songs and music we love... 

That's when things can start to get frustrating. 

To make progress, you might go out there and watch videos, read articles, or get advice from a friend or even local teachers... 

Yet when you can't play the way you want... we think the answer is to go out and learn even more... 

Perhaps even things like scales, the CAGED system, or countless other theories teachers say you "should" know...

But for 97% of guitar players…

Little do they know they’re falling into the most damaging guitar-learning trap of all time

It’s not long before you may start to feel like you can’t “apply” what you learn… 

Your playing sounds “dull” or “mechanical”... 

Or you get tired of playing the same old worn out stuff... 

Like you're stuck on a plateau...

And you just don't know how to move forward.

And even though you honestly try your best...

Chances are, the cycle continues... 

Where you spin your wheels and waste your practice time... 

Hit wrong notes and mute strings...

And get so fed up with feeling limited it drives you nuts. 

You may even start to question whether you should just put the guitar down for good

Yet to rub even more salt in the wound... 

We see all these other guitar players playing across the neck… from pros on stage… to videos of people HALF or even a QUARTER of our age… 

Just tearing it up across the fretboard without batting an eyelash...

And we wonder how the heck they make it look so easy!  

At that point, it can be so demotivating...

So hard to believe we can really do it…

And so hard to want to keep trying...

That most people never recover. 

Even Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli said:

“Most people go to their graves with their music still locked up inside them”

And you know what... that makes me SICK!!!

Because it’s so easy to avoid!

For guitar players who have fallen into this trap… 

I just want to grab them by the collar and shake them and say...

“WAKE UP! You’re going down the wrong path! 

It's not that YOU aren't good enough... or that the song or solo or piece of music you're trying to learn is "too hard"... 

It's that the common APPROACH to learning mostly leads you down a path to get stuck. 

And that's why I want to help you avoid the top 3 damaging mistakes most guitar players make when learning new material...

Damaging Mistake #1 - Starting At The Beginning

Most people try to play songs the way they listen to them...

In other words, they try to start at the beginning of a song, and learn their way through the song, solo, or piece of music from beginning to end. 

SOUNDS logical, right? 

But the reality is, unless it's just super simple chords...

The music that an artist or guitar player is playing "at the beginning" is often too complicated or beyond our current skill level... 

And as a result, we can get stuck, get frustrated, and give up. 

Even worse, you might get in the terrible habit of playing only "bits and pieces" of songs... and bouncing around from song to song... 

Without ever learning the whole thing. 

The bottom line is that starting a song at the beginning is often the WORST way to make rapid progress...

And there's a much easier (and simpler) way that pros use to learn songs fast. 

Damaging Mistake #2 - Learning The Right Chords (Or Notes) "On Paper"

At first, it can seem like looking at chord charts, sheet music, TABs, or even watching another guitar player is a good way to learn... 

But it's one of the WORST things you can do if you ever want to play guitar freely, sound musical, and even add your own creative touches or style


Scientists have proven your brain only has so much available attention. 

And when you're LOOKING at something with your eyes, you're paying little (or no) attention to your ears, and what you're hearing. 

The problem is that music is meant to be HEARD... not seen...

And if you rely on a visual "crutch" to tell you what to play...

At best you can only regurgitate music (without sounding very expressive or musical)... 

And at worst, when you look away from your visual aid... 

You might get completely lost, have to think about what comes next, or simply not even remember what to play at all.  

Have you ever seen the pros make a "guitar face?" - where they make a funny expression when they're playing? 

That's them accessing the REAL secret of knowing what to play next... 

And it has nothing to do with what you're "looking at." 

Damaging Mistake #3 - Trying To Play What You Hear

It's understandable that for any song or solo you want to play...

You want to sound LIKE the song, right? 

Unfortunately when learning new music, most guitar players get frustrated and put the guitar down when what they're trying to learn is just too hard...

That's because most players try to use a trampoline to "reach" a higher level of playing, temporarily...

Rather than simply using the stairs, which raises their level permanently. 

You see, on a trampoline... you can temporarily bounce up to a higher level, but you always come back down. 

This is the equivalent of using sheer "will power" to muscle your way through new material...

Only to burn out shortly after... no further ahead than you were before. 

When learning new material, the pros know that it's much easier (and faster) to learn any new piece of music by NOT trying to play what the artists is playing... 

And instead, "stair step" their way into it, one easy step at a time...

Where before they know it, their playing is automatically at the next level. 

So the question is...

How DO The Pros Make Guitar Look So Easy?

How are even the players that didn't study music theory, and had no pre-existing natural talent...

Able to learn new music and progress so quickly? 

What's that basic, “long-lost” fundamental knowledge of guitar playing that players in the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s knew before the internet?

It’s what I consider to be the simplest, most overlooked aspect of playing guitar today - The "REAL" Secrets Pros Use To Learn New Songs

Yet somehow, I've never seen it explained on the internet. 

It's a simple, repeatable process called the "SHL" method - which I first heard about from attending a pro guitar player's band rehearsal. 

SHL stands for: 

1. Start
2. Hear
3. Layer

... Which refers to the easy, 3-step system they use to quickly learn any song, solo, or piece of music within just minutes or hours. 

In fact, some guitar players literally LAUGH OUT LOUD when they discover how easy it really is...

How FAST it allows you to learn new material...

And how amazing it is when you can finally learn those songs and solos you always dreamed of playing. 

Honestly, I wasted 14 years long years struggling on guitar, before I finally discovered this secret...

And because no one else was teaching this online, that’s why I came “out of the woodwork”...

And made it my mission to help as many guitar players as possible to enjoy the heck out of their playing with this easy method.

It's the reason I spent 3 long weeks creating The Song Learning Shortcut.

And because I want to help guitar players cut through the "noise" of information overload...

And give you a simple proven roadmap, system, and structure that leads to RAPID PROGRESS...

That’s why I’m giving The Ultimate Song Learning Shortcut Away for FREE, right here on this page…

And I invite you to join me by "stealing" these pro secrets for yourself, so we can help spread the word to other guitar players like us...

And simply have a heck of a lot more FUN with your guitar playing!

When you claim your free course, you’ll discover…

- Where to "start" any song, solo, or piece of music, to make the fastest progress possible...

- How to play even the most intimidating parts easily (and sound good doing it) - by "layering"… 

- How to always keep up with chord changes (even for chords you don't know yet) without slowing down the song...

And a ton more… 

Oh, and there’s no boring or mindless “theory” whatsoever

As soon as you get your free course, you’ll immediately "see" why each part works so well… 

And you'll be learning and progressing faster than you may have previously thought possible, in just a few short minutes from now. 

In fact, it's so easy, a guitar player who’s only been playing a month could do it…

Yet it’s a simple system some guitar players have been searching for, for years!

Better yet...

I fully believe if you DON’T learn what’s in this free course, then you may always have to
settle for slower progress

Like I mentioned, the Ultimate Song Learning Shortcut is yours free today…

You’ll get 100% free access when you claim it on this page. 

But I have to warn you that I won't be able to give it away free forever...

Because though you are getting your course FREE today, this page is NOT free for me to keep up online. And as soon as costs get too high I may have to take down this page without notice.

That’s why I strongly suggest you claim your free copy of the Ultimate Song Learning Shortcut right now on this page. 

Just click the button below, then tell me where to send it. 

Picture it... just ONE new insight or “Aha” could change everything for you.

In fact, it’s this ONE thing that helped my progress explode...

And now, I invite you to join me by claiming your free course today.

Just click the button below now and tell me where to send your FREE access to the Ultimate Song Learning Shortcut:

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